Clubs / Activities

McCall School Extra-co-curricular Clubs and Activities (subject to change based on enrollment & staffing of clubs)

Club Name: Academic Enrichment/Support Club

Brief Description: Teachers provide before or after-school reading and math instruction.

Club Name: Chorus Club 

Brief Description: To promote students’ talent with vocal abilities.

Club Name: Dance Club

Brief Description: To teach students cultural dance for performance during Spring Concert.


Club Name: Good News Club

Brief Description:  Good News teachers present exciting Bible lessons. Students engage in songs, scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson theme.


Club Name: Soccer Club

Brief Description: Offers students the opportunity to learn about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through playing soccer.  


Club Name: Girls on the Run

Brief Description: Girls have the opportunity to learn about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through running.  The Girls on the Run lessons encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development.


Club Name: Aviation/ STEM Club

Brief Description:

Students enjoy lessons/activities on, "What makes planes take off!" Students will also learn 

about the two forces that affect everything that flies, weight and thrust.

Other Clubs Name: Campus Ambassadors, Basketball, Flag Football, Cheerleading,Drama Club etc….

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